OTI attracts a certain kind of person. We believe the body of our work is indicative of who we are as individuals. We care about the work we do and are proud our name is attached to all of our results. We appreciate the value of technology and commonly find like-minded people are usually the source of our success. Thus, we will always welcome people to the OTI Family if they share these very close principles; client, employee, or industry partner the like.

Who you work with matters. A lot. 

Our Tribe

As an agency that integrates technology, design, marketing, content, and digital strategy, we embrace hard problems and creative challenges in order to drive results.

We’re an Extension of Your Business

For our clients, we specialize in the creation of strategies, messaging and personas that assimilate with what its customers are wanting in products or services. On the customer side, we create content and messaging that clearly communicates what they may be looking for and that the information is easily digestible. All of which is supported with measurable data.

Digital Marketing Process

Does your current marketing partner have Purpose? We didn’t think so. We don’t follow the common mindset in the digital marketing realm of “Fake it ’til make it”. We strategize, we use data, we use your business/product knowledge, and leverage all of these to create a strategy with purpose. Purpose backed with data that supports decisions. WE don’t do things just because it’s “cool”. We do research and work so as to measure and make your business better.

Founded Out of Necessity...

We are a 'say it how it is' group and clients love us for our honest approach. We value people's time, and we appreciate it when it's reciprocated. We don't beat around the bush and do not sugarcoat our words.

There is a plethora of data that has to be processed with any marketing campaign or project, from research reports to statistics to click rates, it’s a lot to analyze and we love to geek out.


Life is too short to not love what you do. There is no better feeling than really getting to see the positive impact of what our work has accomplished.

Things were known for



Partnership- We believe in putting client interests first and implementing A laser focused strategy to help you win. 


Integrity- We believe in doing the right thinG and will no waiver.


Value- Everything has a value. maximizing ROI is our Forte'.


Leadership- Simply doing what others do isn’t good enough. We innovate and challenge ourselves to lead from the front.


Our Values

Solid business acumen, proven experience, and out of the box thinking allows us to help businesses creatively solve problems when wanting to grow. . 

business & marketing consulting

Leverage social media marketing and use social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.

Social Media Advertising

Increase your visibilty online with a website optimized for search engines utilizing Local and Organic SEO, as well as PPC strategies. 

Search Engine Marketing


Let's work